Find Your Place

Dear FETCH Friends,

Where do I even begin…
Talk about a crazy year, and it’s not even over yet.

Fall’s theme is “Worldly Dogs” to highlight some of the greatness dogs around the world have accomplished. This not only makes me think of how great dogs are, but also what I would like to accomplish with dogs.

Have you given any thought lately to all the things you still wish to accomplish in your life? I feel like this fall is really a time for serious reflection. I believe things happen for a reason and that God plays a role in all of this. But a virus…what is the good in that?

Since this year began I have found myself trying very hard to pay more attention to the things that I am grateful for and less to the things that I am still not satisfied with. It’s so hard!

And this is the difference between us humans and our dogs right—the mentality that “Nothing is ever good enough,” versus the “Pet me please. I just love you the way you are.” These dogs are so innocent and amazing. The things they can do are signs to me that God is always present. Their uncanny intelligence, their playful nature and their endless display of unconditional love. Why can’t we be more like dogs? I’d give up my thumbs if it meant more love and less crises for everyone.

Here’s to a healthy and harmonious fall,
